strives to什么意思

UVA Strives to be Both Great and Good_腾讯视频


MIT in Perak strives to protect the security of St.English Academy.#英语#单词速记#霹雳mit#007#鬼纶


Canton Fair Review|GuangZhou Fashion Wholesale Market strives every day to create business opportunities for merchants!Many Canton Fair attendees came to LiuHua Market to make purchases,attracted


服装人 Talent determines the upper limit and strives to determine the lower limit.#服装设计手绘

Jack Daniels

It's not too late to start,so it's better to start today.One day,the future that can be seen little by little will be clear in your heart and at your feet.Life never treats anyone who strives to i


真财实料#【商务部部长王文涛:中国推动世贸组织更加生龙活虎】商务部部长王文涛近日在WTO活动上表示,中国龙意味着祥瑞、智慧和力量。中方希望在龙年,也是世贸组织成立30周年之际,推动实实在在的多边合作,让世贸组织更加生龙活虎。BizFocus China's Minister of Commerce:China strives to inv ​


聚力闯关转型 硚口奋力打造“三大先行示范区”,Pooling efforts to break through in transformation,Qiaokou strives to build“three major pioneering demonstration zones”,#硚口#先行示范区#​


开足马力加油干 拼出新春“开门红”,China Construction Steel Structure(Wuhan)strives to make good start in Q1,连日来,蔡甸区各企业开足马力忙生产,全力以赴确保订单保质保量按时完工,奋力冲刺一季度“开门红”。开足马力加油干 拼出新春“开门红”#​


江岸区致力打造“10分钟急救圈”后湖地区40万居民就医更便捷,Jiang'an District strives to set a"10-minute emergency care circle"for 400,000 Residents in Houhu Area,近年来,江岸区秉持人民健康至上的理念,打造健康强区,深化区域综合型医联体建设,满足辖区群众健康需求。​


Morality,when used for self-discipline,surpasses all laws;when used to discipline others,it's worse than any form of vigilante justice.Everyone strives to be a 'moralist,' conducting moral inspec
