怎么记 formidable




单词—formidable」释义:adj.可怕的,令人敬畏的;(形状、数量)巨大的;难对付的 词根助:formid(恐惧)+ab.


Traffic On Nanking Road Halted Several Hours While Dangerous Outbreak Is Fought By Formidable S.F.Brigade Force;SECOND CALL RECEIVED FROM ADJOINING BLOCK DURING OPERATIONS》(图6-7)。图8:上海英文日报《The ...

单词轻松 第1028天

3、formidable 4、infectious 5、exile circulation[sɜːkjʊ'leɪʃ(ə)n] n.流通,传播;循环;发行量 拆分:circulat(e)(循环)+tion(名词后缀) 联想:循环 illusion[ɪ'l(j)uːʒ(ə)n] n.幻觉,错觉;错误的观念或...


An unpretentious musician with no air of the formidable conductor about him(2011考研英语阅读Test1) 参考译文:.谦逊的音乐家,在他身上没有那种令人生畏的大指挥家派头。7.formula['fɔ:mjulə] n.(pl.formulae)公式;...

哈兰亘古大事(远古—1044 BA)哔哩哔哩

The formidable fortress has stocked itself with supplies and sheltered most of the population of Northern Bulwar. The Deep Devils sneak through its elaborate sewer system and slaughter the entire population....

[成龙历险|西玉|全英]天行不息 09 Evil Retreats-

Tokyo,Japan.Jackie,Jade,Uncle and Tohru walked down the plane.“Uncle,we go to visit my mother first?“No!Go to the library to look for some magic books with Uncle first.”“Jade,to be honest,did Hsi Wu visit ...


formidable['fɔːmɪdəbl;fə'-]a.①令人敬畏的,可怕的②艰难的 grain[ɡreɪn]n.①粮食,谷物,谷类②颗粒,细粒 crisp[krɪsp]a.①(果蔬等)脆的②易碎的 yield[jiːld]v.①出产,产出②屈服,服从,退让n.①产量,产出...


after climbing two mountains and consuming a large portion of my energy,but I still had to go up to achieve the highest mountain in this race.Facing to the formidable mountain in front of me with countless ...

双语|现代散文:冰心 萨镇冰先生

Shandong Province,all move to the Yangtze River so as to steer clear of the formidable foe.Thereupon all the ships retreated southward except the Hai Yin.When Yihetuan[3]threatened the lives of foreign ...