

求职意向:Marketing and Branding Educational background Time:September 20xx to June 20xx School name:University of Dreams 1 Professional name:CS Work Experience Time:20xx.3-20xx.9 Company Name:Guangzhou ...


Generally,the porridge contains eight ingredients which can include glutinous rice,red beans,millet,Chinese sorghum,peas,dried lotus seeds and some other ingredients,such as dried dates,chestnut meat,walnut ...


And then you can put those pieces of paper on your fridge,bathroom mirror etc. 然 后你可以把这些纸条贴在你的冰箱上,浴室的镜子上等等。说到 e-t-c,经常开车的朋友可能会想到高速公路上的"不停车电子收费系统",那个就是...


etc.”是“et cetera”的缩写,表示“and so on”、“and other things”,中文译为“等等”,置于开列项目清单的最末。与“et al.”代表人不同,“etc.”只能代表事物。如果“etc.”出现在句子中间,而且在它后面还想接文字...

服贸会来了|开在家门口的这场展会 用英文这么介绍

provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities,Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan,domestic and overseas business associations,etc.will release authoritative information such as policy white papers,industry standards ...


etc 全拼为 et cetera,正确读法为[ɪt'sɛtərə]。也相当于"and so forth","and so on 或者"and other things"的缩写,用于描述一系列没有一一列举的实物。You can put those pieces of paper on your fridge,bathroom ...


At an age of character and individuality being encouraged and demonstrated,we see various“stars”pop up—singing stars,dancing stars,movie stars and sport stars.etc.Many schools even hold contests to choose ...

“夜宵”英语怎么说?不是night food哦~_You_beauty_to

used to show that something happened immediately after something else,especially when this is disappointing,surprising,etc 【例句】 After the attack,they returned to base. 他们发动攻击之后返回了基地。She's ...

GB/T 20234.1-2023 英文版/翻译版 电动汽车传导充电用连接装置

Part 4:High power DC charging coupler.Its purpose is to establish the composition,coupler function and layout,cable requirements,thermal management system,technical requirements,test methods,etc.of DC charging ...


At the heart of learning a language is integration.Students are encouraged to socialise by joining one of the many clubs that are available within our close-knit school.Examples are the Debate Club,Co-...