
Retracing American journalist Edgar Snow's expedition in China|回溯美国记者埃德加·斯诺在中国的探险

Yuwang,a small town on the Loess Plateau,accommodated American journalist Edgar Snow during his visit to northwest China 88 years ago to witness the Chinese revolution in the 1930s.Snow spent four months ...


“Ozymandias.”奥兹曼迪亚斯 Poe,Edgar Allan.“The Raven.”乌鸦 Dickinson,Emily.“We Grow Accustomed to the Dark.”我们习惯了黑暗 Houseman,A.E.“Loveliest of Trees.”最可爱的树 Johnson,James Weldon.“Lift Every ...

The Libido for the Ugly 自(3)

The peasants,however poor,somehow manage to make themselves graceful and charming habitations,even in Spain.But in the American village and small town the pull is always toward ugliness,and in that Westmoreland...

The Libido for the Ugly 自(1)

in some unfathomable way,its obscure and unintelligible demands.The taste for them is as enigmatical and yet as common as the taste for dogmatic theology and the poetry of Edgar A Guest. 8 Thus I suspect(though...


黛西·埃德加·琼斯Daisy Edgar-Jones “讲真,激情戏和武打戏是一回事” 黛西·埃德加-琼斯在拍摄《普通人(Normal People)》时与一位亲密协调员展开了愉快的合作。“你可以把他看做是动作片里的武术指导,他们会疏导演员的...


Daisy Edgar-Jones “讲真,激情戏和武打戏是一回事” 黛西·埃德加-琼斯在拍摄《普通人(Normal People)》时与一位亲密协调员展开了愉快的合作。“你可以把他看做是动作片里的武术指导,他们会疏导演员的心理,为你和搭档...


刘别谦的Die Puppe(1919)运用了「Toy Town」的场景风格。Carlos und Elisabeth(Richard Oswald,1924)的古典装饰经过几何简化处理。这些都和表现主义艺术的视觉形式毫无牵连,在其他方面也与表现主义笼统的精神没什么瓜葛...