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smooth,sophisticated lighting.A close-up portrait of a strategist sitting at a desk,surrounded by papers and charts,with a determined expression on his face,digital painting,intricate,highly detailed,sharp ...


If you have poorer eye sight,or are using a particularly deep desk where the screen will sit much further away from you,you may want to consider a lower resolution(e.g.1920 x 1080 on a 27″model).This won’t ...


smooth平滑 sharp focus清晰聚焦 matte磨砂 elegant高雅 8k 4k sharp锐化 the most beautiful image ever seen最美丽的画面 technique highly detailed技术性高细节 dreamatic lighting舞台灯光 beautiful美丽 post processing...


Incorporate movement into your life by exercising regularly at home or at a gym,joining local sports teams,or taking a fitness class.If you have a job that requires you to sit for long periods of time,try ...


结合第三和第四期,其实很明显看出为什么说韩滨蔚适合做 sales desk 和 申紫豪适合在trading desk.搞研究部,和IBD比较深入的pitch还真不是他们两人的强项。不是说他们不能做,但只不过从性格和专长上来说韩滨蔚真的更加适合做...


Whether you experience it as a sharp,searing pain or a dull ache,lower Whether you experience it as a sharp,searing pain or a dull ache,lower back pain can be serious business.Four out of five adults experience...




还有很多词汇可以输入如浴帘bath curtain/shower curtain,鲨鱼 shark,锋利的牙齿sharp teeth,漂浮float,沉sink等等 Phonics卡片词汇:duck dive tub octopus tank wash toy 8 晚饭后,David要去看动画片,妈妈催他去睡觉...


from our skin to hair-any contact with the delicate sample should be avoided.Upon the death of the rat,a sharp scissor cut off its molar on the ice.Ground up,mixed with chemicals,and repeatedly centrifuged,the ...


还有很多词汇可以输入如浴帘 bath curtain/shower curtain,鲨鱼 shark,锋利的牙齿 sharp teeth,漂浮 float,沉 sink 等等 Phonics卡片词汇:duck dive tub octopus tank wash toy 8 晚饭后,David 要去看动画片,妈妈催他去...