protect against后接什么


The UK has begun to inoculate healthcare workers who may be at risk while caring for patients with the smallpox vaccine,which can also protect against monkeypox.The U.S.government says it has enough smallpox ...

South Africa putting up a fight against immature avocado sales_the_fruit_on

Francois Knowles,CEO of the Agricultural Produce Agents Council(Apac)said:“To protect the industry there needs to be continuity so that consumers have faith in the product they buy.But national fresh markets ...


[2]Does eating a Mediterranean diet protect against memory loss and dementia?Retrieved May 19,2021,from 注:本文旨在介绍医药...


Coasts were once abundant with seagrass meadows,which provide food and shelter for sea life,protect against erosion,enable nutrient cycling,stabilize the seafloor and filter pollutants. 海岸曾经有丰富的海草草甸...


You must wear goggles and a mask that will protect you against the fumes. 你必须带上护目镜和防护面具,以保护你不被烟熏。02 Disposable hand sanitizer 免洗杀菌洗手液 外出时,可以随身携带杀菌洗手液清洁双手。同时应...


A single,cheap tablet combining a range of drugs that protect against heart disease was_yeas ago,but pharmaceutical companies were reluctant to undertake the project because it failed to provide sufficient ...

你知道Spring Boot插件开发模式思想—SPI机制是什么吗?

Use names and ensure unique to protect against duplicates Set<String>names=new LinkedHashSet(SpringFactoriesLoader.loadFactoryNames(type,classLoader));List<T>instances=createSpringFactoriesInstances(type,...